"There's not much going on today,
I'm really bored, it's getting late, (actually its still morning)
What happened to my Saturday? (shall be explained later)
Monday's coming the day I hate (got PBL)
Sitting on the bed alone,
staring at the com..."
This is when i start to write my blog,
(song adapted from He Wasn't bu Avril Lavign)
Bangun Pagi, Gosok gigi, cuci muka, pergi badminton...
Cum back, eat, sleep..nowonder i dun remember my saturday..
Due to keboringan, I'll start thinking what to cook tonight..although its not my name on the timetable as i just jala-ed on thursday..due to sum unforeseen reasons, ITs my turn 2 cook again..YEAI...COOKING ...hmm...have to start planning again..
1) Ball Ball Chicken Rice (speciality of Malacca) + Blended Chilli Sauce
2) Back up normal chicken rice
3) Beggars Chicken ( Ayam pengemis)
4) SUper Difficult Majestic Turkey with groundnut and vege
5) Red Bean Thong Sui
Preparation time: 1 hour
Cooking time : 2 hour
Actually is: preparation + cooking = 3 hours (sambil prepare, sambil cook)
Guess what took me the shortest n the longest time to cook?
shortest award- SUPER Difficult Majestic Turkey with groundnut and vege (15 minutes)
Longest award-Red Bean Thong Sui (more than 10 hours plus rendam the red bean, but without any effort)
Most difficult - Beggars Chicken (marinade chicken, chop onion, chop turkey, mushroom, stir fry for stuffing, stuff the chicken, wrap and bake..mahuan)
Most surprising - Ball Ball Chicken Rice..(when my eating mate opened the rice cooker, no one expected 2 see so many BALLS...)
DUe 2 the sudden wave of study that strike me, I shall not include the recipe here..for those who want to try, please visit: (substitute with the name of food you want to cook)
I want to Study oredi...
woo..rajin masak n rajin study..
aku sudah bosan makan la.. boring gila
haha..mana ada org bosan makan..pi try recipe yang pelik pelik la..atau main dota..conpim tak bosan..haha
Dat dish is the dish of the week.
COngrats. Pls claim the present at the pusat gerakan orang gemuk dan pendek. Hanya ahli dibenarkan.
huiyo..liddat i mah kenot claim..must get a member help me claim ar? u help me la..u got membership rite? i tot they giv u special membership due 2 ur kegemokan itself..
y the chicken ball rice brown brown wan? like fishball only...
ang lifetime membership wan.. sure dapat extra hadiah n mapiau lagi
haha..bcos of the lighting la..n i put soy sauce ma..
haha..bcos he too layak oredi, noneed membership fees 1..
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