Monday 25 June 2007


I got a shift in Ward 55 for a long day...hmm..Ward 55 is what ward??

fren: Acute Stroke Unit..
Me: OU NOO...

(stroke patient sure hard to take care 1.."worried" long day sumore)

Truth Revealed:::

When I reach there, i was put in special room, where 1 of the patient need 1 on 1 caring..
N got 1 chair there i sit there for the whole day, jus look at him, tok 2 him, when he tido i read magazine (he tido most of the time 1..oni bangun to eat) ..kebetulan when i break time, he mandi, so i nooneed to do oso..wakaka..GAJI BUTA!!!..

Bladder distention...When wana go toilet have to tahan till got ppl cum ganti..

long day : 7.30 am - 8pm


ihsan_huhu said...

got incontinence? kotex xmampu menyerap?

pp said...

occasional incontinence..x pakai kotex..haha..