Sunday 2 September 2007


Still remember my first few trips to europe..Waahh..wana go in all the museums..spend alot of time looking at arts, (although tak berapa faham)..after some time, we start to:

"Museum? Famous onot? Not famous? NONEED"

Although I am not a big fan of Museums, but at some place, sure got some this De Louvre in Paris...(Da Vinci Code 1 lei..have to go la..)

What is in this Museum?

"There are over 30000 Sculptures and Paintings in this Museum that you need at least 1 month to thoroughly look through everything...The way is to highlight the few sections that you are interested in and pretend the rest of the sections are at the other side of the city" lonely planet

Doesn't affect me..cos i oni noe got Mona Lisa...and 1 Venus de Milo (always see the miniature in those restaurants in Edinburgh)

Sori not dat clear, but the best I can take..

Venus de Milo..looks familiar??

I tot Mona Lisa sure kenot take picture 1..Mana tau..

But after awhile..they put up the sign no pictures aloud oredi..cos too crowded..haha..

This is the Code Of Hamurabi that we learn in Sejarah Dunia Tingkatan 4 last time...(at least something that sounds familiar)

Posing Bodoh..

This 1..huiyo..we saw the picture like very chunted..look like Shaolin punya Sami walk all the way to see..manatau...

Some famous Interpreter...

Tomb Raider...

More interested with the outside view..haha..

This is the famous Champs Elysees in Paris...We walk there to cari makan..I tot like some Chi Chiong Kai alot of things to eat 1...walk walk walk macam highway ni..till the end oni saw civilization...

U see this road leads to this:
Arc de Triumphe...

P.s: if got spelling mistakes, sorry...malas to check..


ihsan_huhu said...


imagine if we live in hammurabi time, go to skool hav to bring batang pokok utk study n salin notes...

everibody will hav sixspecs ... hahah

Eve said...

that venus, penang also got..haha

Anonymous said...

hey, so cool la.. i also wanna go see.... Especially the da vinci stuff... hmmm no money:P

sinlee said...

only pasal makan-makan? shopping dun haf meh?