Friday, 28 May 2010

Medicine, a new language?

I was taught that there are more than 10,000 terms in medicine... It is easily a new language by itself...

Soo... 3 years of medicine is actually learning how to use the language well..

another 2 years to apply then to clinical setting..

But if english is not your first language, erm... I came across this today:

'' A large bore canula can be invaluable for fast flow..." err... after reading twice, i tak faham the invaluable means not valuable or super valuable...

Inattention means no attention,

infinite means not finite,

intolerant means cant tolerate,

indian means patient from india,

so invaluable should be not valuable rite,

but.. maciam tak betul.. hence google...

Invaluable means : extremely valuable; having value too great to measure;

grrr.. dono la.. non-medical terms also struggle liao..

another one: if patient is exsanguinating...

Exsanguinating: draining blood... exsanguination is also the way to slaughter for halal-ness...

Wiki: Exsanguination is a relatively uncommon and dramatic cause of death in humans

Need to be so dramatic onottt.. just say la if patient is bleeding or bleeding profusely..

Peningggggggggggggggggggggg... if only i read more Enid Blyton book when I was young, instead of the malay version of tiga penyiasat... or mutiara naga...

since someone ask, this is the katun:


Is it Wednesday or RThursday today???

another 6/5 days to go... BOOMMM!!!

and here I am, eating ice-cream, watching katun...

siao liaooo...

Saturday, 22 May 2010

I am a ROBOT

Since I have reached the critical stage or PESS (Pre-Exam Stress Syndrome), there is no medical treatment that could cure me now... therefore I've signed up for an ongoing clinical trial...

the CYBORG 2010 trial..

I am not sure if this could save me, but i am willing to grab any chance of survival.. This Trial requires me to denervate the part of my brain that controls my emotion,entertainment,game fun, etc...

Basically denervate all the parts that distracts me from studying.. I am now left with the basic surviving autonomic system temporarily.. All my periferal needs are switched down to minimal in order to fully perfuse my brain and provides full support for my brain...

My body now bypasses my brain and functions on a microchip with preset routine of eat, go to the toilet and study... I have unlearned all the other skills of playing game, computer skills, talk, laugh...

I also do not need food or sleep for 10 days... facebook, msn, blog, tesco are all not in my dictionary... My brain is only loaded with Medical Dictionary and Oxford Clinical handbook... and whatever book...

I am now MC5138...

A Cyborg fully programmed to STUDY...

I shall not do what I am not programmed to do...

Friday, 21 May 2010

Pre-Exam Stress Syndrome

According to the RedBull Score to access the severity of the Pre-Exam Stress Syndrome (PESS),

Grade 1: (2 - 3 months before finals... )
Occasional realisation that you need to study... (about once a week)
Idealistic plan to start to study

Grade 2: (1-2 months before finals...)
Started decorating table with opened medical books...
Actually start reading 1 page and realise that shits, lots to study...

Grade 3: (Less than 1 month before finals...)
Frequency of panic attacks increase.. but:

''its ok, you still have 1 month...'

(refuse to accept that you have actually slightly less than 1 month)

Grade 4: (3 weeks before exam...)
Working very hard... not sure where you're heading, but just work..just read...
No time to eat no time to sleep...
signs: Tachycardia from caffeine overload and anxiety...
(If patient maintain at this stage throughout, prognosis is good)

but unfortunately some will progress to the next stage:

Grade 5: (2 weeks before exam...)
Intermittent psychosis... some features resembles bipolar.. alternating between:

a) Grandeur delusions - patient now thinks that she knows everything.. especially after finish reading one tiny chapter.. SHe's THE MAN... yes she has time for movie she has time to blog she has time for anything.. anything is POSSIBLE!!!...

b) Depressive mood and self doubt - no no no... dont know.. refuse to know.. have to study more.. no no... might not know.. study also cant remember...

Frequent palpitations and patient might be in atrial fibrillation.. start heparin...

Note: This is a Severe situation.. consult and inform Senior Registrar...

Grade 6: (10 days before exam)
Patient is now exhausted... tired, bradicardia, hypotension...

Feeble studying efforts...

Confusion is common at this stage...

Note: Potential LIFE THREATENING ATTACK- peri-arrest situation... (Transfer to HDU/ICU and monitor 24/7 for learning progress)

If condition worsen, give symptomatic relief and palliative care... contact family members...

nenenenene...jiak ba bo su jo la... i am between stage 5 and 6 kot..hahaa

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Truelove and Witt's Criteria...

Since its exam season, I often like to put up some random medical stuff on my MSN nick just so that hopefully by seeing it everytime I will remember them...

Well, who wouldn't remember their MSN nickname that keeps signing in and out for 3-4 days right..

Just few days ago I started to put up this:

'' Truelove and Witts criteria... WAKAKAKAKAKAKA''

Its the criteria to assess the severity of Ulcerative Colitis by the parameters: bowel motions/day, rectal bleeding, temperature at 6am, pulse, haemoglobin, ESR...

1 of my friend asked me earlier... so what is Truelove and Witts criteria???


Shits... it was on my MSN for almost a week!!! how can I not rememberrr!!!!! Now that I've blogged about it, ask me in 3 days see if i still remember... hahaa...

Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Hmm..should have done that when my iphone was with mee...

See if my desire could do that..haha

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Hi, I am a 'Final year medical student''...

Well, since we started out 5th year, I noticed that alot of my coursemates have been using this phrase:

'Hi, my name is bla bla and I'm a FINAL year medical student...'

Well the question is; "ís it?''

Is it really our final year ar??.. If this is not our final year, what are the possible differencial diagnosis? I really admired their confidence...

Time passed so fast, I cant even imagine that this is my final year and my Finals Professional Exam is in 2 weeks and 5 days time... what more if I pass, being a doctor in few months time...

Only last week I start to use:


Simply because I WANT it to be my final year...

I secretly dont mind being a student longer and not be let loose into the 'real world' so soon.. One of our lecturers told us, you spent 5 years in medical school, but you're gona spend another 35 years down the line working.. so whats the hurry??

But there are so many other factors at stake!!

Main thing wud be parentssss... n siblingsss aiming to come for my graduation.. U cant let them come and not graduateee..

ANd all your friends will be graduated by then and I dont want to be left behinddd.. and I can't wait to go back and serve the country!!! skk..skk...

so pls pls pls let me passs...

I noe this is not a time for self doubt.. but everyday i have this fluctuation from super confident and think that i actually know alot.. to shit shit shit...what also dont know... at least once aday I'll have this panic attack....arghhh....If i am above 55 and fat and i smoke and drink and have a family history, I would have had a heart attack now...

Monday, 10 May 2010

Relapse 2

I have noticed this relapse-remissin-relapse pattern in my this disease..

Pathological-online-buying due to stress


pMs - (Penyakit Membeli Masa Stress/Study)

I you remember correctly, my last presentation was January last year: Relapse

I managed to be in remission for quite some time.. mayb with some minor exacerbation like my PL 30 earphone
that I really NEED at that time...

Erm..and not forgetting the Edifier:

That I seriously need also laaa...

I noticed something different this time.. its getting worst i think.. with early morning panic attacks and feeling of impending DOOM... with paroxysmal stress..

Well.. then come the incident of lost iphone in a cafe... How often can that happen rite.. is that really whats precipitating the disease again?? Am I reeli that sad that I lost my phone? or secretly I am smiling inside.. cos that meansssssss 'NEW PHONE ' for meeeee...

Well ofcourse nobody noticed the signs n symptoms well enough.. They should have known that I would be stressed about my finals.. but it wasn't picked up fast enough.. desire cant be undone now.. (anyway its a good buy..haha)

Then it became chronic.. I can hide it anymore.. there are so many things I '' Really NEED''...

Light not bright enough.... I really need a table lamp to study laa...

Camera lens stg wrong... instead of repairing it, '' I reeli need a new camera..." But I seriously need la..hahahaaa..

Currently sane enough to resist temptation... waiting for the successor... but dont know how long more can I stay sane... The desire is currently able to supress my symptoms for the time being..

N now my earphone also stg wrong already... The different subtype of PMS is pathological- survey- for things also.. be it things I want to buy or things other people want to buy... grrrr...

Even this:
Can you see the pattern of the syndrome now?? Everything has to be ONLINE!!!.. buying stuff off the shop doesnt not give me the same effect...

And hopefully it doesn't progress into pathological blogging and pathological eating..

Sunday, 2 May 2010

My Desire...

After 2 days being with her... I grew to love her... This is the feeling that I never had before.. how could she be so perfect for me?? I cant get enough of her.. right now I am spending most of my time with her, I cant even take my eyes off her...

Although there are times that she reminded me of iPhone, but.. its just the keyboard layout.. I guess I will soon learn to get used to it.. n she is still quite weak now.. I guess I want to spend time with her so much she gets tired easily.. Everyday i meet my friend, I feel so proud to show her to them.. I want to tell them all about her!!!

I guess well, I am in love..