Friday 21 May 2010

Pre-Exam Stress Syndrome

According to the RedBull Score to access the severity of the Pre-Exam Stress Syndrome (PESS),

Grade 1: (2 - 3 months before finals... )
Occasional realisation that you need to study... (about once a week)
Idealistic plan to start to study

Grade 2: (1-2 months before finals...)
Started decorating table with opened medical books...
Actually start reading 1 page and realise that shits, lots to study...

Grade 3: (Less than 1 month before finals...)
Frequency of panic attacks increase.. but:

''its ok, you still have 1 month...'

(refuse to accept that you have actually slightly less than 1 month)

Grade 4: (3 weeks before exam...)
Working very hard... not sure where you're heading, but just work..just read...
No time to eat no time to sleep...
signs: Tachycardia from caffeine overload and anxiety...
(If patient maintain at this stage throughout, prognosis is good)

but unfortunately some will progress to the next stage:

Grade 5: (2 weeks before exam...)
Intermittent psychosis... some features resembles bipolar.. alternating between:

a) Grandeur delusions - patient now thinks that she knows everything.. especially after finish reading one tiny chapter.. SHe's THE MAN... yes she has time for movie she has time to blog she has time for anything.. anything is POSSIBLE!!!...

b) Depressive mood and self doubt - no no no... dont know.. refuse to know.. have to study more.. no no... might not know.. study also cant remember...

Frequent palpitations and patient might be in atrial fibrillation.. start heparin...

Note: This is a Severe situation.. consult and inform Senior Registrar...

Grade 6: (10 days before exam)
Patient is now exhausted... tired, bradicardia, hypotension...

Feeble studying efforts...

Confusion is common at this stage...

Note: Potential LIFE THREATENING ATTACK- peri-arrest situation... (Transfer to HDU/ICU and monitor 24/7 for learning progress)

If condition worsen, give symptomatic relief and palliative care... contact family members...

nenenenene...jiak ba bo su jo la... i am between stage 5 and 6 kot..hahaa

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