Monday 5 November 2007


In this zaman pertarungan, i believe we are all working very hard for exams..some doing well, some giving up, some starting...anyway, letme kasi some motivation:::

COME ON!!! sing alongg..

our company cater for all readers...
* Pls refer to glosari for translation

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for 2 minutes..


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n thats when this comes into the picture:

Got Dream oni got HOpe..

* Glosari:
Ai Pia Jia Eh EIA (Must Pia oni can win) (Mau Pia Baru Boleh Menang..)

jit si shi ji ng mien luang than
一 时 失 志 不 免 怨 叹
Once lose faith, no need to lose hope

Jit si lok piek ng mien tan than
一 时 落 魄 不 免 胆 寒
Once dreaded, no need to be scared

na tang sit khi hi bang
那 怕 失 去 希 望
If there's no hope,

mui dit chui bang bang
每 日 醉 茫 茫
Whole day just go get drunk

bo hun uu the chin ching eu chow lang
无 魂 有 体 亲 像 稻 草 人
No more soul, but got body just like a scarecrow

lin sin ko tee si hai seong eh por luong
人 生 可 比 是 海 上 的 波 浪
Life is just like an ocean's wave

wu si khi wu shi lo
有 时 起 有 时 落
Sometimes up sometimes down

ho un phai un
好 运 歹 运
Good forture bad fortune

chong mai ciao ki kang lai kia
总 嘛 要 照 起 来 行
Just accept and get thru it

sa hun thi ju tia
三 分 天 注 定
3 points it's destined

chit hun khor pa pia
七 分 靠 打 拼
7 points you just gotta fight hard

ai piah jia eh iah
爱 拼 才 会 赢
You gotta fight, then you can win!


ihsan_huhu said...

both lagu kasi tidur.. slow gile weih.. how come can bagi semangat?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, pei ur blog superb la

pp said...

Liban: haha..its the lirik la.. Lagu pertama tu, popular kalangan apek...sapa sapa lepas 50 pergi karaoke tentu nyanyi lagu tu..

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! ur blog never fail to amuse me...

pp said...

I'm amused by the person who created the video..